Friday, May 11, 2012

Day 20 and 21. Wait...what!? and the Black Madonna

Has it been 21 days ALREADY? That can't be right? But it IS! Wow!

I am so grateful for the readership that you have indulged me with. Thank you to everyone who reads!

So it takes 21 days to create a habit, "they" say. Hmm....I am not satisfied with what I have done. I need to go deeper, be even more disciplined. 

I decided to do this blog diary for 28 days. And so it shall be. and I think that we might go beyond that as well. Are you with me?

Day 20:
2 hr choreo
1 hr class. 
No pilates :(

Gwyddie's sickness has really thrown me off. It is taking a lot of time and attention, and worry energy. He's still not better yet. Please send him healing energy if you can. 

Day 21:

Today I go to the Voyage of The Black Madonna with Alessandra Belloni: A musical journey to the ancient sacred sites of the Great Mother Goddess concert at Dancing Gypsy in Spencer, MA. Dance, music, chant, singing, etc. I am very excited to go to this, as the Black Madonna is very important to me. She is the one who takes the dispossessed into Her arms. She is the aspect of the Dark Goddess that gives comfort. And She is from the Catholic faith, the faith of of family, Yup, I'm a Catho-witch! :) My friend Dina LeDuke hosts at her studio.

Tomorrow: private lesson

(I'm not sure what happened to the text background color! But there it is. Glowing. :)

1 comment:

  1. Incense and candles burn for healing and comfort for my Rigel in hospital, for your Gwyddion, for the too numerous suffering animal souls on this earth, and for those who love and care for them.
